About us

LAGO-DI-CORNINO-logo-quadratoThe Regional Nature Reserve of Cornino Lake was established under the terms of a regional law in 1996. Within it a project for the reintroduction of the griffon vulture has been successfully undertaken. The reserve is managed by the municipality of Forgaria in Friuli, which has entrusted its running to the Pavees Cooperative Company that from 2003 to 2014 managed the Casa delle Farfalle (Butterfly House) in Bordano – together with the financial support of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. In its vicinity you can visit the Lake of Cornino, a small water-body, karstic in origin, after which the reserve is named. The nature reserve borders the majestic Tagliamento River, the last “free” river in Europe, that has been subject to several studies of its flora and fauna. At the visitor centre and nearby you can see a range of species of animals.